The Computers, Privacy, and Data Protection conference, commonly known as CPDP, is one of the world’s largest multidisciplinary conferences on privacy and data protection. Since 2007, academics, lawyers, practitioners, policy-makers, industry and civil society from all over the world meet annually in Brussels to exchange ideas and discuss the latest emerging issues and trends. This year, the conference focused on Artificial Intelligence and the unique challenges this rapidly developing technology presents.
EPIC at CPDP2020
This was a big week for EPIC and several members of the EPIC Advisory Board!
Julie Cohen spoke to a packed room about her new book Between Truth and Power. Click here to read more about the panel. You can also listen to the Berkman Klein Center podcast about Ms. Cohen’s book here.
Lorraine Kisselburgh joined a panel on AI policy and promoted the Universal Guidelines for AI she helped draft. Woody Hartzog told the CPDP audience that facial recognition “really is different” and urged a permanent ban. (Learn about EPIC’s call for a ban on face surveillance here – https://epic.org/banfacesurveillance/)
Max Schrems called attention to the lack of enforcement of GDPR, warning that illegal practices are taking hold while regulators fail to act.
And EPIC presented the EPIC International Privacy Champion Awards to Isabelle Falque-Pierrotin, former President of the French Data Protection Agency (the “CNIL”) and British journalist Carole Cadwalladr, who broke the Cambridge Analytica story with The Guardian. EPIC Advisory Board member Kristina Irion presented an award. You can catch the recap at #CPDP2020.
Those were the highlights for CPDP2020! For more information on EPIC, please visit www.epic.org.