Blue Wireless: Ray Ozzie’s Latest Venture

Ray Ozzie is an independent software entrepreneur and EPIC Advisor. He founded Talko – a company focused on next generation mobile communication apps and services.  Microsoft acquired the company in 2015. Now, Mr. Ozzie is zeroing in on network security with another start-up called Blue Wireless.

As IoT devices become more prevalent, network security is becoming more of a concern for consumers and businesses alike. Unfortunately, many of the companies that design household devices capable of internet connectivity may not have fully considered or have the operational capacity to adequately address network security issues. Blue Wireless hopes to simplify the process by selling business modules at enough of a profit to cover the cost of the device and the wireless data the devices will use.

Read more about Ray Ozzie’s latest venture here. For more information on Ray Ozzie and other privacy news, please visit Defend Privacy. Support EPIC.