Attorney and EPIC Advisor Pamela Jones Harbour received the Spirit of excellence award earlier this year. Ad Astra Per Aspera is the award motto which means: “To the Stars Through Difficulty.”
The Spirit of Excellence award celebrates the efforts and accomplishments of lawyers who work to promote a more racially and ethnically diverse legal profession. Awardees excel in their profession, personify excellence, and have demonstrated a commitment to diversity in the legal profession.
Ms. Jones Harbour currently serves as SVP & Legal Officer of Member Compliance and Privacy at, Herbalife International. Prior to this role, she was Former Partner in the antitrust and trade regulation practice of distinguished law firms, co-leading the National Data Privacy Teams. Ms. Jones Harbour has had over 25 years of broad legal experience, including seven years as U.S. Federal Trade Commissioner. EPIC congratulates Pamela Jones Harbour on this outstanding accomplishment. Watch her acceptance speech here.
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